About Agrizest

 What is Agrizest?

Agrizest is a unique Kiwi technology proven to increase plant health and orchard gate returns (OGR) in New Zealand orchards for over 10 years.

​Agrizest is an elicitor of the phenylpropanoid pathway for plant health, fruit quality and productivity.

Main Benefits Of Using Agrizest:

  • Improve plant health

  • Reduce damage caused by pest, disease & environmental stress

  • Improve fruit quality and yield

  • Increase Orchard Gate Returns


 Why Would I Use Agrizest?

  • Plant health, fruit quality and sustainable returns.

  • Agrizest increases plant productivity, improves fruit quality and boosts orchard gate returns. In green kiwifruit orchards, for example, just four sprays result in a minimum increase in orchard gate returns of $5000 per hectare. 

  • There is no other product “just like Agrizest”.  The technology was developed by us and has been tested and proven on New Zealand orchards. 

  • Agrizest is a proven, organic, New Zealand-made product that helps you to achieve optimal plant health and performance. 

  • Agrizest is commercially proven, having been extensively peer reviewed and independently verified. 

  • By using Agrizest, you can also expect the following improvements in fruit quality:

    •  Dry matter
    •  Flavour
    •  Colour
    •  Resistance to damage and improved recovery
    •  Reduced rejects 

Agrizest can be applied to a wide range of crops including kiwifruit, apples, grapes, berries, avocados and more.

 How Does Agrizest Work?

  • Phenylpropanoids are a range of bioactive molecules, naturally produced by all plants, they are responsible for important plant and fruit quality characteristics.  They also support the repair, growth and defence systems of plants.

  • Examples include lignin and suberin to harden cells and produce crunchier fruit, flavanoids for improved flavour, anthocyanins for high colour and coumestrol and other oils to repair damage.

  • When Agrizest is applied to plants it triggers and elicits the production of these molecules, ultimately enabling optimal plant health and fruit quality.

  • Agrizest is not a hormone spray, fortified seaweed or fertiliser and does not leave any residue.

How does Agrizest work
  • Paul Christey, Waikato

    “My biggest problem this year is breaking branches and support posts from all the extra fruit!!! Nathan the crop this year is much cleaner from mites , woolly apple aphid, leaf curling midge, I have not seen any codling moth or leaf roller damage , insect damage is insignificant throughout the whole orchard.”

  • Guy Cumming, Gisborne

    Guy Cumming says Agrizest does everything claimed about it. Old grapefruit trees that once produced juicing fruit now have supermarket quality fruit. His fruit grow with more vigor, the skins are cleaner, they taste better and they have improved colour. “The transformation has been quite remarkable. I’m scared not to use it now”.

  • bunch of grapes

    Mike Lane, Clive River Vineyard, Hawke's Bay

    The leaves are shinier and bigger, and the grape yields and ripeness are improved. "We're talking about 3 to 4 per cent riper, which is significant, because a 0.1 per cent increase in brix [sugar content] can be worth $5 a tonne"​

  • tray of persimons

    Persimon Growers, Auckland.

    “I have to say our persimmons look the best I’ve seen them look in 37 years. The leaves are beautiful dark green and glossy. We have got the least rejects we’ve had in all our years of exporting which is extremely pleasing. Fruit quality is excellent.”

Kiwifruit Video Testimonials



Agrizest is authorised by MPI (under the ACVM Act) as exempt from registration and can be used on all crops with nil withholding and nil waiting period.


Agrizest is included in the Zespri ‘Other Allowed Compounds' (AOC)’ list and can be added to your spray calendar.


Agrizest is approved for use on Sustainable Winegrowing NZ-certified vineyards.


Agrizest is certified by BioGro for use in organic production (5943).